Welcome to Harmonumerics!

What is Harmonumerics?

Harmonumerics is a syncretic belief system that combines elements of mathematics, science, stoicism, hope, logic, and semantics with the principles of simplicity, brevity, and treating everyone well. It is inspired by the Golden Rule and fundamental numbers, such as pi, prime numbers, and other mathematical constants. The religion encourages its followers to explore the elegance of simplicity and the power of numbers, while fostering empathy, compassion, and a love for learning. It is designed to be complementary to other belief systems, providing a framework for personal growth, hope for the future, and a sense of unity with others.

The Seven Core Commandments, GETHICS, are as follows:

1. Goldenize: Uphold the Golden Rule by treating others as you would like to be treated.

2. Evolve: Foster personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity.

3. Thinkwise: Cultivate rational thinking, wisdom, and self-discipline through logic.

4. Harmonize: Embrace the harmony of mathematical principles in nature and the cosmos.

5. Infinitize: Celebrate the infinite diversity of humanity and the universe.

6. Connectify: Nurture a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the environment.

7. Simplify: Cherish simplicity, brevity, and clarity in all aspects of life.

If GETHICS resonates with you, then you are indeed a Harmonumerics Seeker. Welcome!

What now?

  1. Start Your Harmonious Quest
  2. Look to see if there is an upcoming Festivity
  3. Follow our Twitter account