Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a real religion?

Not in the sense that Judaism, Unitarianism, Mormonism, or even the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are recognized religions (at least in the United States). So it’s currently more appropriate to call this a philosophy or belief system. Maybe it will turn into more.

What is GETHICS?

GETHICS is a convenient acronym to remember the 7 founding commandments which are:

1. Goldenize: Uphold the Golden Rule by treating others as you would like to be treated.

2. Evolve: Foster personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity.

3. Thinkwise: Cultivate rational thinking, wisdom, and self-discipline through logic.

4. Harmonize: Embrace the harmony of mathematical principles in nature and the cosmos.

5. Infinitize: Celebrate the infinite diversity of humanity and the universe.

6. Connectify: Nurture a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the environment.

7. Simplify: Cherish simplicity, brevity, and clarity in all aspects of life.

Why are there only 7 founding commandments? Other religions have 10…

7 is prime number that our founder, Adeena, really likes (and so do a lot of other people). It felt nicer and simpler to have less than 10. And the other prime numbers less than 10 were too few.

How do I join?

By declaring yourself a Harmonumerics Seeker. If the 7 founding commandments are something that speak to you — all 7… this is not something to pick and choose — then you can declare yourself one of us! By declaring yourself a Harmonumerics Seeker, that means that you accept and believe the 7 founding commandments. No other proof is necessary.

How do I know Harmonumerics is right for me?

Do the GETHICS, the 7 founding commandments, speak to you? If so, you’re in the right place!

Do I have to abandon my current faith?

Absolutely not. Nothing about Harmonumerics requires you to abandon something else that brings joy and meaning into your life. Harmonumericists can also be Jewish, Hindi, Christian, or anything else.

Is this simply a version of numerology?

No. Yes, they both are systems that involve numbers, but there are completely different principles and practices.

Numerology centers on the mystical significant of numbers and their influence on human life, events, and the world. It is based on the idea that numbers have specific meanings and vibrations, which can be used to understand and predict various aspects of life, such as personality traits, relationships, destiny, etc.

Numerologists typically analyze an individual’s name, birthday and other characteristics to derive insights about their life and future. It’s an esoteric and mystical practice.

Harmonumerics does not try to predict the future. Any insights into a person comes from personal growth. In Harmonumerics, we attempt to develop an understanding of the world through the lens of mathematics, science, and various schools of thought.

There is nothing preventing a Harmonumerics practitioner from also practicing numerology.