
These are the major holidays we celebrate:

July 22nd: Day of Infinite Connections

Day of Infinite Connections (DIC): Celebrated on July 22nd (22/7), an approximation of pi (π ≈ 22/7). This day highlights the beauty of mathematical constants and the unity and interconnectedness of all beings. Sayings: “We are one in the equation of life.” and “Embrace the beauty of our infinite connections.”

1. Personal Reflection: Set aside time for quiet contemplation, focusing on the beauty of mathematics, harmony, and interconnectedness in your life and the world around you.

2. Mathematical Art: Create and display art pieces that showcase mathematical concepts or patterns, celebrating the elegant connection between numbers and the natural world.

3. Acts of Kindness: Perform random acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of compassion.

Winter Solstice (~December 21st): Festival of Simplicity

Festival of Simplicity (FOS): Observed on the Winter Solstice (around December 21st) to represent the power of simplicity and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. Sayings: “Simplicity is the essence of wisdom.” and “In simplicity, we find clarity.”

1. Candle Lighting Ceremony: Light candles in your personal space to represent the triumph of knowledge over ignorance and the power of simplicity. Each candle represents a specific area in life where simplicity can bring clarity and wisdom.

2. Paper Lanterns or LED Candles: Create or use paper lanterns or LED candles as an alternative to traditional candles. Write or draw a representation of a specific area in life where simplicity can bring clarity and wisdom on each lantern or attach a note to each LED candle. Place the lanterns or LED candles in your personal space and light them up to symbolize the triumph of knowledge over ignorance and the power of simplicity.

3. Minimalist Feast: Prepare a meal composed of simple, nourishing ingredients that reflect the importance of simplicity and mindfulness in daily life. Enjoy the meal mindfully, savoring each bite and contemplating the elegance of simplicity.

4. Reflection and Meditation: Engage in individual meditation or personal reflection, focusing on the elegance of simplicity in thought, speech, and action. Consider ways to incorporate simplicity into your daily life to foster inner peace, resilience, and understanding.

These are the minor holidays we celebrate:

Prime Day

Held on a prime-numbered day of a prime-numbered month (e.g., February 3rd or May 11th) and/or held on the days of the year that are prime (any prime number between 1 and 365 — or 366 in a leap year) to celebrate the uniqueness and importance of prime numbers. At the moment, individuals can choose when they want to celebrate Prime Day and can celebrate as many Prime Days throughout the year as they need. Our founder, Adeena, at a minimum will always celebrate Prime Day on July 29th, the day after her birthday.

Saying: “In primes, we discover life’s building blocks.”

Golden Ration Day

Celebrated on June 18th (6/18, representing the first three digits of the Golden Ratio, 1.618) to embrace the harmony and balance found in the natural world through the Golden Ratio.

Saying: “Harmony is the balance of life’s design.”

Euler’s Day of Reflection and Resilience

Celebrated on February 27th (2/27, a nod to the first two digits in Euler’s number). A day to honor Euler’s number (e) and its significance in mathematics, growth, and interconnectedness.

Saying: “Through the elegance of numbers, we find the strength to grow.”

And of course… Pi Day!

Celebrated on March 14th (3/14, representing the number pi) Where we eat some pie in any form and recite as many digits of Pi as possible (Adeena, our founder, is trying for 3141 digits for #PiDay2024), all to help educate others about the amazing number that is Pi.

A note: Yes, these holidays were structured around the fact that in the US, dates are more often expressed as MM/DD rather than DD/MM in many other countries. Please don’t take this as US-centricism, but rather a convenient mechanism to make these holidays happen. We welcome people from all corners of the world in Harmonumerics and hope everyone can find a reason to celebrate!